Phew, I have hanged the whole exhibition with the use of only one finger - one which was showing my dear husband where to hang the works on the walls of Tea Tree Tea! Luckily a divorce is not looming over even that the hanging took us longer then expected (all these coffees in between hammering the nails in!).
I promise to feature some images soon, too.
I am especially excited about the limited edition t-shirts. I am going to hand stitch some of the elements of the designs, to make them more unique, so pricing is still to be arranged. I was planning to open an Etsy shop soon anyway, so it will be great to roadtest the designs before that!
I hope that many of you will visit 13 Bread Street in August for the exhibition (I know that the time is precious during the Festival, but it is honestly, the friendliest place in Edinburgh! and there are going to be other attractions during all August weekends - like... mind reading! How cool is that!). See you there!