My sincere apollogies for such an extended absence on this blog but I've had some travelling to do. Some serious travelling at that, which invloved a 10 hours flight to Houston, Texas.
We had 10 days in there, it was +35 degrees and 90% humidity but it was great, even though very busy (we went with Simon for a portfolio review that is the biggest event of that kind for photographers in the world!) and a bit stressfull.
America has certainly made an impression on me (it was my first visit there and I hope not the last one!) - I liked people, the landscape, the architecture, even the weather (luckily a tornado occured in Dallas not in Houston while we were there) and... walking everywhere (we did not drive, I know, stupid or just plain scary - there were at least 4 lanes of traffic in every street in Downtown!).

The thing that struck me the most was a good design of signs and fonts everywhere, no kidding! and their art collections (we went to see a great Surrealists collection and a Richard Serra exhibition, all at The Menil Collection - both, Serra inside and outside of the building is in these images) fuelled by oil and Texans' passion for good art. Even our hotel had very interesting (in a good way of course!) photographs hanging in its corridors!
Another great experience was visiting a Rothko Chapel, Rothko being one of my favourite artists ever but it seemed that he must have had some bad time in his life while in Houston because all the 'rothkos' there were all very dark, sad and depressing. I would like to read some more abou it as it cannot be a coincidence.
Unlike my stay in Houston! I am sure that having Simon there with me helped a lot but if you followed me on Instagram you knew that I have posted at least a hundred happy photos from that trip!
It was inspiring, full of sunshine (even tough we got some sunburn while doing a 13 km treck through Houston suburbs) and positive energy. Let's hope we will be able to repeat that experience!