Jemima Khan's article about trichotillomania in todays The Sunday Times Magazine reminded me that a while ago I created two illustration for an article in a Polish psychology magazine Charaktery where I learn about this condition for the first time.
I have to try more to combine photography with drawing - it is not my signature style in illustration but in this case I think it was very effective as they used both illustrations on a spread page layout.
My friend Philip Martin, a French film director asked me to prepare an illustration for a printed version of his scenario "Lumiere Noire". The main female character of this beautifully written story is a haunting redhead who turns out to be not the girl we expect her to be. Here are couple of versions of the illustration I did - Philip liked the one with the couple the most. My favourite one is a portrait with the skull shirt - very Parisian, me thinks.
For more details about extremely talented Phil go to He is working on his new scenario now and I have promised to prepare some illustrations for this one too but so far -mea culpa- I just did a couple of sketches but no finished work. However that love story is so beautiful that I have no choice but sit down and continue my work!
I have never had any weight issues so when I was comissioned with an illustration and design of a cover of a book which deals with issues of bulimia and anorexia it was a tricky subject to master. In the end I have managed to tame the monkey...
Met Office announced that we are going through a "cool" cycle so there is a decade of freezing winters in front of us. I am waiting for the Spring! (please click to see this image bigger!)